Thursday 3 November 2011

Soft Muesli Bars

Great low sugar tasty healthy cereal bar.

This recipe was torn out of a church newsletter about 8 years ago. It floats about the kitchen and disappears from time to time so I decided it was about time to type it up just in gets lost for good.

Makes 8 slices
75g chopped ready to eat apricots, or raisins
1 eating apple, grated
150g swiss style muesli or porridge oats
105ml apple juice
15g soft sunflower margarine

1. Warm apple juice in a mug in a microwave for 30 seconds and add the dried fruit to soak.
2. Preheat the oven to 190C.
3. Place all ingredients into a bowl and mix well
4. Press mixture into a non stick sandwich tin and bake for 35-40 minutes until lightly browned and firm.
5. Mark the muesli into wedges and leave to cool in the tin.

With a slice each, this goes pretty quickly, so I tend to make double quantities to last at least a few days.

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